Their Story:
Golden Village first opened in 1992 and is currently Singapore’s largest cinema chain with about 16,000 seats, 11 locations and 87 screens across the island.
Their Goal:
At their main cinema, they were confronted with a large number of customers and the staff were spending a lot of time counting cash. A more efficient way to manage this high volume of cash was needed which did not require it having to change hands so many times.
Gunnebo’s Solution:
Gunnebo installed Intelli-Vend for dispensing cash and changing money, and Intelli-Safe for making cash deposits.
Their Business Benefits:
Intelli-vend is highly efficient and saves time, as cashiers do not have to go to their managers to change money any more. Intelli-Safe saves many hours of manpower which can then be deployed more effectively elsewhere, as the cashiers do not have to count and reconcile incoming cash themselves.
Quote from customer:
“When we first started out using these solutions, our staff had to get used to them and it took some time to adjust our processes in order to profit optimally from the capabilities the solutions have to offer. Together with the Gunnebo cash handling team, we have worked towards an optimal situation where we have achieved higher levels of productivity, security and efficiency,” says Raj Giri, Manager for Training & Operations at Golden Village.